The Promenade Concert in the South Gardens of the Prague Castle

The Band of the Castle Guards and the Police of the Czech Republic
7 September 2024, from 10:15 a.m.

Since 1843, the grand tradition of summer promenade concerts of military music has graced Prague Castle. This year will mark the 178th concert season, featuring large, uniformed wind bands renowned across the globe. A total of five matinees will be held in the South Gardens of Prague Castle, each at 10:15 a.m. Do not miss this unique traditional concert production. As noted by the esteemed 19th-century music critic Eduard Hanslick, "Public performances of military music in an open space are the most democratic way of listening to music."

22 June - The Band of the Castle Guards and the Police of the Czech Republic

13 July - The Happy Wind Ensemble of Louny Art School

27 July - The National Wind Orchestra of Přelouč Art School

10 August - The Band of the 35th Pilsen Infantry Regiment (Foligno)

7 September - The Band of the Castle Guards and the Police of the Czech Republic

Access to the South Gardens is via the Bull Staircase from the 3rd Courtyard or through Na Opyši Gate. The entrance from Hradčany Square will be closed.

Programme is subject to change.

Date and place

South Gardens of the Prague Castle
(under the Bull Staircase)

Saturday, 7 September 2024, from 10:15 a.m.


Free admission

Castle map